Unique Blogger Award.


Thank You…๐Ÿ˜‡

I would like to thank ‘A writers Beginning’ย for nominating me for the ‘Unique Blogger Award 2017’. Two nominations on the same day itself is a cute co- incidence.๐Ÿ˜Š Thank you Emily.

Our writing is loved and appreciate by fellow blogger itself is beautiful feeling. I accept this award asย ‘Token Of Love’ย towards my Blog. ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’–

Here are the Rules:

1. Link to the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you.

2. Answer the questions you are given.

3. In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award.

4. Ask the people you nominate 3 new questions.

Now it’s time to answer three beautiful questions by Emily. Here we go…

1. Can you remember the first story you ever wrote? Can you remember what triggered it/influenced it? Or are you more like me โ€“ writing so much that you canโ€™t remember that far back?

Ans:-ย  I remember my first ever post. It was dedicated to my late grandma. We were very much close to each other and my childhood memories are attached with her. Here m sharing link of my first ever post…

2. Why do you write online, opposed to keeping your writing to yourself? I only ask because I used to be very private about my writing. I didnโ€™t have the courage to show anyone because I was too scared that theyโ€™d criticise it. Was it the same for you?

Ans:- I love this question the most. The answer is Yes. Even i was scared with sharing my writing online or with anyone, but deep down I always felt my writing should be shared…so decided to start a blog and Here i am… but the secret is… My friends still don’t know i am into blogging๐Ÿ˜Š

3. Which one of these do you think is the more powerful โ€“ a sad story that makes the tears flow, or a story that fills you with confidence and determination? I think itโ€™s interesting; obviously both are powerful, because they affect us so much, but which does so more?

Ans:- Tears are said to be the sign of weakness.. but i dont agree. My tears flows every now n then…even when i don’t want them to flow๐Ÿ˜‚ For me sad story is more powerful as I believe to bring tears with a story is a big thing.. as it managed to touch the heart. Confidence and determination the word itself has more power. For Me tears or sad story the silent winner.โ˜บ

Now here are My Three Questions for the Nominees.

1. What you love most about yourself and why?

2. Do you think emotions are drifting away from peoples life nowadays?? If yes share a small incident that made you agree with the question.

3. Do you have a toy or anything that is with you since childhood. Your favourite possession? If yes share a story /image.

Here are My Nominations..




6 thoughts on “Unique Blogger Award.

  1. 1. What you love most about yourself and why?

    I am extremely driven. If there is something I really want to achieve – I generally do. I’m not a quitter!

    2. Do you think emotions are drifting away from peoples life nowadays?? If yes share a small incident that made you agree with the question.

    Yes, in some ways. We live in such a fast-paced society. Look at the way people date these days! Tinder? (Swipe left, swipe right?) Erm, no thanks. I’m more old skool!

    3. Do you have a toy or anything that is with you since childhood. Your favourite possession? If yes share a story /image.

    All items I own are things that I love (or need on a practical level). I don’t buy it if I don’t need or love it. I surround myself with beautiful things! I’ve kept a few of the toys I had as a child in the 80’s and passed them on to my children. I have Rainbow Brite, Keepers, Popples and a few other things you’re too young to Remember!

    Thanks again for the nomination!

    Liked by 2 people

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