100 Word Wednesday.

#writing Challenge

Dream or Reality.




While swimming in the deep waters, he felt difficult to gasp a breathe. He finds a huge rock in  middle of the sea. Hastily he comes up and breathe heavily. A beautiful lone house attracts his gaze. Surprised he got up to explore the house and in that moment rock started to move ahead. “Ohhh… it’s not a rock but a giant turtle… or magical turtle… may be one of the  secret that deep sea hides.” With the sound of alarm, he wakes up from the dream. While on cruise trip he saw the same rock but now in reality.

8 thoughts on “100 Word Wednesday.

  1. It was all a dream! Quite fitting πŸ˜‰ Thank you so much for taking the time to join our happy writing community this week πŸ™‚ Hope you’ll join us for many more!

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